Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Large Polish chain of pharmacies and drugstores

The challenge

The client decided to change their systems and optimize existing business processes. The used applications and systems did not comply with current requirements and were insufficient to meet future needs.

What we did

The works carried out by Sii included:

  • analysis of current business processes in 4 areas: HR and payroll, finance and accounting, controlling and budgeting, procurement and logistics,
  • identification and proposal for a solution, taking into account the specifics of the client’s business,
  • design of migration to the chosen solution,
  • preparation of recommendations as well as functional and non-functional requirements for the new system,
  • participation in the analysis of the submitted offers and workshops with potential suppliers,
  • evaluation of each solution and final recommendations to the client.


Sii’s solid support allowed the client to make the optimal choice of the system adjusted to their needs and expectations to the highest possible extent. This long, time-consuming process was performed with minimal involvement from the client.

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Надіслати запит Надіслати запит

Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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