Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Polish mobile operator, serving 13 million subscribers. IT supports 60 integrated environment implementations per year.

The challenge

The key system of calculating commission was written in PowerBuilder 7 technology. Many changes in the system and growth of its complication inclined our Client to rewrite the system in a more modern technology and to develop it in a way that would allow parameterization and full automation of the settlement of the commission.

What we did

Sii’s team was responsible for:

  • Renewing the application that calculates the commission.
  • Recommending the new technological Stack.
  • Creating a three-layered architecture for new version of the application.
  • Redesigning old and designed new screens for the application.
  • Implementing functionalisms and business processes, in which we made possible the parameterization and automation of the commission calculating process.


An application, utilizing the BPM engine, was created using modern technologies. The database layer of the application was put in order. Cost of use, development and maintenance of the application was lowered.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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