Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

One of the largest banks in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 1,000 branches and 5 million customers.

The challenge

The after-sales service of mortgages has been carried out in bank branches. Mortgage documentation was stored and available only locally. Cyclical operations related to handling mortgages (such as control of delivery of documents by customers) were carried out manually and forced only by procedures.
There were no mechanisms for the monitoring of the status of individual processes and the compiled management information related to them.

What we did

Sii’s engineers have designed and implemented processes for the centralized after-sales management of credit products and mechanisms for their automated cyclical monitoring.
Under the project a platform for process management was created, to be incorporated into the Bank’s infrastructure and integrated with the major back-end applications.


The implemented processes support the handling of orders placed by customers and the transfer of credit documentation between branches and the Back-Office Accounts Centre, which operates the archive of documents. This allowed the relocation of tasks related to credit management from branches to the Credit Operations Department, reduced the number of credit experts in branches, and provided mechanisms for the monitoring and presentation of compiled information on active processes.

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Надіслати запит Надіслати запит

Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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