Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Leading provider of standard and express parcel delivery services. A part of the international DPD network and an expert on its domestic market.

The challenge

The Client decided to automate and streamline the project management process and established a  cooperation with an independent provider to deploy the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) solution. The implemented system was far from satisfactory and there was much room for improvement. The application was slow and failed to support some important processes, e.g. inventory control. The client needed a new service provider to fix the system.

What we did

  • Sii made repairs in the system. The project methodology was transcribed into workflows. The EPM system was reinstalled.
  • The project also involved customized applications to support processes and personnel training at all managerial levels.
  • The final stage consisted of programming in order to adapt the reports and to prepare dashboards for users.


DPD received a high-performance project management tool. The system operates at an optimum level, and the implemented processes run smoothly. As a result of additional programming work, the reports were defined and adjusted to the client’s needs.

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