Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Sii supports clients in the field of software development, IT infrastructure management, testing, service desk and BPO, training, engineering and consulting services.

The challenge

The need of our client was to provide strong ECM system supporting document handling, collaboration tools and standardized workflows, while keeping precise and automated access rights management and excellent integration with office tools like MS Office, MS Project, Dynamics AX, Dynamics CRM.

What we did

SharePoint team delivered set of functional applications integrated with ECM functionalities, deployed on SharePoint 2010 farm. Following sites were deployed:

  • Intranet portal with process and communication automation, integrated with email and external applications (HR, travel expenses, address book, polls, trainings, MS Lync & Exchange).
  • SelfCare system for 1300 Client’s employees (still being developed).
  • CRM automation and collaboration site for dispersed PreSales and Delivery teams of over 100 people.
  • Project portal (repositories, workflows, references management) integrated with project controlling tools based on MS Project and MS Excel.
  • Integrations with MS Dynamics CRM 2011 and MS Dynamics AX 2012 – customers, persons, opportunities, projects.


A powerful tool of ECM and collaboration, well integrated with other systems in the Client’s company, partially exposed to the Internet, supporting business processes. Full automation of access rights management and control, single sign on based on domain authentication. During the implementation, Sii engineers used  state of the art technologies and infrastructure, keeping good software quality. Thanks to deep integration and native compatibility of technology (OS, office tools, database, application layer, programming framework, components – all from 1 vendor) changes, development and upgrades are easy and predictable.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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