Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

The largest manufacturer of processors and chipsets. The Polish branch is responsible, among others, for embedded software.

The challenge

Testing of the prototype integrated circuits for graphics cards is a very complex and market-sensitive task. Client’s engineers, after successfully establishing an in-house test centre, were then needed for other projects. As this was a critical area, a reliable partner had to be assigned to the job.

What we did

To respond to the needs of the Polish division of our Client, Sii prepared a service based on the Test Centre model. Initially, our testers worked under the close supervision of company’s employees, but in time they acquired competencies and gained the confidence of our Client.
The duties of our team include designing tests, test case programming, automation and implementation.


Our team, supervised by a manager from Sii, works without any support and attains higher quality and performance indicators than those existing in the Client’s company, becoming the key competence centre for the American division. We are proud that our engineers took part in testing the currently leading processor architecture and other projects.

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Надіслати запит Надіслати запит

Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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