Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

One of the largest banks in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 1,000 branches and 5 million customers.

The challenge

Need to improve internal communication, caused by large amount of dispersed information.

What we did

Sii has delivered an application that allows the surveying and analysis of survey results. The application helps to achieve the following aims:

  • Creation of an interface based on SharePoint 2007 that allows for the generation of a survey consisting of any combination of various questions (8 defined types of questions), start page and end page messages.
  • Data on users are contained in a .csv file, with user e-mail addresses and optional data, such as department, city/town, years of service, etc., which can be used for the comparison of results in reports.
  • Option to generate an anonymous or personalized survey.
  • Option to send reminders on survey filling to users.
  • Creation of an interface that allows for completing the survey.


The implemented tool allows for the convenient generation of surveys with single or multiple choice questions and comments, for defining mandatory and additional questions or panel questions, defining the list of respondents for a certain survey, and inserting graphic elements in surveys.
The tool offers the analysis of results from surveys carried out among employees, and enables the browsing of reports and statistics from the carried out surveys.

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Надіслати запит Надіслати запит

Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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